Welcome to the Institute for Thermal Energy Technology and Safety (ITES) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
The ITES uniquely embodies the energy transition: our mission is to enable innovative thermal technologies for a sustainable and safe net-zero energy supply. To this end, the ITES performs research in hydrogen safety and applications [H2], heat transfer / storage / transport using water [MPS], liquid metal [KALLA], and molten salt [FTS], efficient use of alternative heat sources [EVT], magnetohydrodynamics for fusion [MHD], numerical flow modeling [FPS], analyses of the resilience of critical infrastructures, atmospheric dispersion and impact assessment of hazardous substances (e.g. radionuclides) as well as decision support systems [RESIS].
An important part of our mission is the training and education of the next generation of practitioners and engineers through apprenticeships, lectures, internships, and theses [Lectures, Openings].
The article "Electric potential on a WCLL TBM mock-up in MHD experiments as indication for flow distribution in breeder units" was published in the journal Fusion Engineering and Design.
Details: for applications in future fusion power plants, liquid metals play an important role as breeder material and coolant. The measurement of the electrical potential distribution on the surface of a scaled model of a test blanket module for the ITER fusion reactor allows conclusions to be drawn about the distribution of the liquid metal flow in the breeder units and shows the need to improve future blanket designs.
more informationGreen hydrogen: Market ramp-up - Dr Dana Kirchem & Prof Daniel Banuti from 10 November 2024
How much green hydrogen will we need in the future and in which sectors? How much of it can we produce ourselves or do we have to import it? And why is the market ramp-up so slow? Dr Dana Kirchem from the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) and Prof Daniel Banuti from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) talk about this.
Successful Presentation at the AI x IA Conference
At this year’s Franco-German AI Conference AI x IA (https://aixia.eu/), sponsored by the European Digital Innovation Hub for Cyber Security & Artificial Intelligence (https://digitalhub-ai.de/de/allgemein-2), in which ITES is involved, the RESIS department showcased an innovative prototype during a workshop. The presentation featured a AI-based software for the resilient integration of energy technologies.
A key takeaway for participants: In complex planning processes, artificial intelligence can be used effectively to provide targeted support, overcome challenges, and achieve better results.
more informationGreat news from ITES: our DHBW student Carolina Paul has won 2nd place at the German Product Design Championships. We supported her by giving her time off for training.
Please find attached the link to the corresponding report of the WDR-Lokalzeit (the report starts at point 5).
Congratulations to Mrs Paul and her coaches from the MPS department

The article "Experimental investigation of magneto-convective flows around two differentially heated cylinders" was published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
Details: Liquid metals play an important role as breeding material and coolant for applications in future fusion power plants. In this work, the liquid metal heat transfer on cooling tubes is investigated under the influence of buoyancy forces and electromagnetic forces. Experimental data show that the heat flow, defined by the Nusselt number Nu, depends on a parameter combination Gr/Ha2, where the Grashof number Gr describes the strength of the buoyancy forces and the square of the Hartmann number Ha describes the electromagnetic damping.
The KIT Scientific Publishing team heartily congratulates Professor Thomas Jordan and Dr Alexei Kotchourko on the launch of their new Diamond Open Access Journal, Hydrogen Safety. The journal is supported and funded by the International Association for Hydrogen Safety (HySafe).
Hydrogen Safety is a new quality-assured international scientific journal that addresses the existing gap in the publication channels on the topic of Hydrogen safety.
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In cooperation with TEC, KALLA has designed and built a 100 kWh heat storage with more than 170 thermoelements. The DUOLIM heat storage is now being filled with ceramic storage material at KALLA and integrated into the THEADES liquid metal loop.
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A joint lecture course on geothermal energy was held in Buenos Aires as part of the KIT-ITBA Double Degree Master's program. In the DAAD-funded project, KIT mechanical engineering students can be sent to Buenos Aires for a semester at the Instituto Tecnologico de Buenos Aires (ITBA) as part of a scholarship. The subsequent Master's thesis can take place in Argentina or Germany and the students receive the corresponding degree in Argentina in addition to the German Master's degree.
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In the context of energy systems, cities and climate change, an international and interdisciplinary collaboration has resulted in the Nature Sustainability Paper entitled 'Sustainable urban transformations based on integrated microgrid designs' together with colleagues from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) and the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), which will be available from July 16 at https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-024-01395-7.
Employee (f/m/d) in science in the field of heat storage with the possibility of a part-time doctorate
Your tasks: - Creation and adaptation of data acquisition programmes and evaluation routines (Matlab/Labview) including analysis and publication of the test results with a scientific focus on heat transfer and fluid dynamics of liquid metals - Implementation of numerical simulations, the results of which can be used to derive optimal design and operating parameters - The scientific questions to be answered in connection with the work offer the possibility of a part-time doctorate.
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Student assistant (m/f/d) wanted for simulation and AI-supported research projects
As part of these research activities, the modular simulation framework FRAMESS (Framework for Analysing Systemic Risks and Exploring Sustainable Solutions) is being developed. This framework enables resource-efficient system development, seamless model integration and flexible further development of systems. The RESIS department is currently looking for a dedicated student assistant to support a FRAMESS application project that analyses the effects of increasing electromobility. Other tasks include the modelling and interface implementation of FRAMESS as well as the further development of decision-supporting, AI-based methods.
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Student Assistant for Revising a MATLAB Code for Latent Heat Storage
We are now looking for a student assistant with previous knowledge of Matlab to revise the code. The tasks include:
- Familiarization with the previous Matlab codes for sensible and latent heat storage
- Revision of the code for latent heat storage
- Creation of a user manual analogous to the existing one for sensible heat storage
- Good knowledge of Matlab
- Basic knowledge of the finite volume method
„Computational fluid dynamics with OpenFOAM“
The format of the course allows a very flexible participation!
The course consists of four parts, each extending over two days. During day1, participants receive videos of the lectures, slides, and do the proposed exercises. During day2, teachers are available at any time for a one-to-one discussion via Zoom meeting to solve issues related to exercises and answer questions. The course will be held in English.
Objective: The purpose of the course is to acquire the knowledge and practical skills necessary to use the software OpenFOAM.
Deadline: 16. September 2024!
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