Resilient and Smart Infrastructure Systems (RESIS)

Decision Support System for Crisis Management

  • Decision Support System for nuclear accidents (JRODOS)
  • Dynamic Measure Development for Crisis Management

Resilience of modern Supply Systems

  • Concepts, models and algorithms for the design and (real-time) operation of critical infrastructures to increase their resilience and safety in the sense of security of supply – urban Resilience/Resilience of individual infrastructures: Smart Energy Systems, Water Supply, Transport Systems, Healthcare System etc.
  • Development of suitable operationalizable resilience metrics to increase the adaptability and elasticity of critical infrastructures

Contact: Dr. rer. nat. Sadeeb Simon Ottenburger

JRODOS: Dispersion calculation   Concepts, methods for analyzing and improving the resilience of critical infrastructures


SWR Science Talk:

Die städtische Versorgung mit Gütern und Energie in Zukunft

Wie lassen sich kritische Infrastrukturen nachhaltig und widerstandsfähig gestalten? Dr. Sadeeb Simon Ottenburger erforscht, wie sich mögliche Gefahren abwehren lassen.