Fusion technology
The nuclear fusion research program is part of the European Fusion Development Agreement.
ITES is performing experimental and theoretical research for the liquid metal breeding blanket development in Europe. MHD research at KIT supports the design activities for DEMO blankets in the frame of the EUROfusion consortium and for test blanket modules to be tested in ITER. The following issues are studied for the development of various blanket concepts:
1. Helium Cooled Lead-Lithium (HCLL) blanket
- Electrical flow coupling
- Flow partitioning
- Pressure drop
2. Dual Coolant Lead-Lithium (DCLL) blanket
- Reduction of pressure drop by electrically insulating flow channel inserts in ducts
- Flow distribution
- Heat transfer and buoyant flows
3. Water Cooled Lead-Lithium (WCLL) blanket
- Heat transfer and buoyant flows at cooling pipes and obstacles
- Pressure loss due to obstacles in the flow
- Flow/pressure distribution in blanket geometries